Hello Friend!
Thank you for stopping by.
My name is Noelle Liberman. I am a pet industry professional with over fifteen years experience in the premium pet product landscape with a focus on raw & fresh feeding for dogs and cats.
I am an advocate for biologically appropriate nutrition for pets as well as sustainable living. I reside on a magical farm at the edge of an enchanted forest in rural North Carolina along with my business partner and husband, Joshua, and our menagerie of animal friends, both domestic and wild.
Living in harmony with nature is a core value of mine. As a result, I am big believer in socially- and environmentally-conscious entrepreneurship. If we want things to change, we have to act in a different way. Why not use business as a force for good?
I am a cheerleader and champion of people trying to make the world a better place. When I'm not at the megaphone, I enjoy a simple life full of gardening, bird-watching, training Kung Fu, and fostering gratitude as much as possible.
Many thanks and blessings to you for taking a moment to read more about me. I always love to meet and learn about others, so please don't hesitate to reach out even just to chat. We're social creatures, so let's get to know one another.
Personal & Professional Integrity
Compassionate Leadership
Team Development
B2B Relationship Management
Written and Oral Communication
Sales & Promotional Strategy
Data Analysis & Forecasting
P&L Responsibility
Inventory Management
Technology Integrations
Computer Programming
Advanced Excel & MS Office
Business Central, POSIM
Intermediate Italian Language
Animal Nutrition
Organizational Management
Video Production
Jan 2023 - Present (in progress; expected completion 2026) North Carolina State University​​
B.S. in Science, Technology and Society​
Minors in Business Administration, Italian, and Physics
Aug 2005 - Oct 2007 Case Western Reserve University
Undergraduate Studies in Biology and Computer Science​​​​
Work Experience
Feb 2024 - Present
Jan 2023 - Feb 2024
Aug 2019 - Jan 2023
May 2016 - Aug 2019
April 2009 - May 2016
Bowlful Pet Brands - Founder and Principal Consultant
After a decade and a half in the premium pet product landscape, I am leveraging my experience and network to help smaller, value-focused brands to expand their reach. My goal is to help amplify products and organizations that enrich pets, support the planet, and seek to create more good in the world.
Smallbatch Pets - Director of Business Process Optimization and Co-Manufacturing Relationships
Working with our co-manufacturing partners, I developed a production planning and ordering tool that integrated raw materials and packaging to help improve fill rates and long-term planning. I was able to work with manufacturers of all types, including frozen, cooked, freeze-dried, broth, and treats.
Smallbatch Pets - National Sales Manager​
As head of the brick & mortar indie pet retail channel, I had the pleasure of guiding an amazing team of outside sales reps in growing revenue year over year. Additionally, I was a partner and primary contact for our distribution network and key accounts.
Our sales focus was on long-term relationship building with our customers. We utilized a partner-first approach that made sure our retailers were supported and equipped to help spread the message about the brand far and wide.
In addition to managing the team, I developed revenue targets and budgets, built excel-based tools to track promotions across multiple different distribution partners and created marketing assets and sales tools to support the reps in the field.
Our team was strategic, effective, successful, and--most importantly--happy.
Smallbatch Pets - Outside Sales Representative
Reporting directly to founder Michael Vogel, I called on an expanding multi-state territory. Our sales focus was education-based with a consultative approach. As the brand continued to grow, I opened up new distributors and regions, training them and getting markets established. I helped hire and train additional regional reps as the territories could support them.
I'm very grateful for the time I spent working and learning from both Michael and David & Diana Vogel. Not only did I learn how to represent a high-value, ultra premium product in the sales landscape from Michael, but I also learned a wealth of knowledge about biologically appropriate pet nutrition, sustainable and humane farming practices, and many of the subtleties and nuances of raw food manufacturing from David and Diana.
The experience working directly under such progressive founders was a gift I continue to be grateful for every day.
The Urban Pet, Los Angeles - General Manager
Starting in 2009 as a part time sales associate, I grew with the store as founder Zack Grey expanded the footprint into additional locations. In 2012 I was promoted to General Manager, responsible for all business operations across three locations.
I had such a wonderful experience learning from Zack, a professional dog trainer and stellar entrepreneur. During my tenure I helped create and implement inventory management systems as well as robust training documentation to support staff development and success.
Throughout the seven year experience, I became well versed in all aspects of pet care, feeding, the landscape of pet products, and the unique challenges of independent retail stores.